Wolves (Canis lupus) or gray wolves are shy and cautious animals. They live in packs of 6 to 12 members. Their powerful character and wild lifestyle captures the interest of many lovers of these iconic creatures.
Among the behaviors that characterize the life of wolves is the howl. This mysterious cry, borrowed from their cousins the dogs, is very symbolic and has many meanings. So what are the main meanings of the wolf howl?
Wolf howl: What are its meanings?
The wolf howl is one of the most striking sounds in the wilderness. It is a social call between pack members to clarify their positions to each other. In addition, this call is used during hunting to warn outsiders in the pack that this area belongs to their herd. It is also used by wolves to make an appointment to hunt.
This means of communication demonstrates the harmony within a wolf pack and strengthens the cohesion between its members.

Why do wolves howl at night?
Generally, wolves are night predators, hunting in the dark or at dusk. That's when you hear their howling. However, their howls can be heard during the day as well.
Why howl at full moon?
The wolf howling at the moon is a pleasant picture, which arouses the infatuation of many lovers of this animal. This landscape has also been present in many representations, such as prints on caps, on plaids and even on clothing. For example, this wolf howling in a pack t-shirt is perfect for enthusiasts of this pleasant animal.
An ancient legend tells that the moon came down to the earth on a dark night to discover it. When she was playing among the trees, she got trapped in their branches. A wolf came to rescue her and freed her. Afterwards, they spent the whole night playing together.
Why howl with your head to the sky?
The howling of the wolf with the head stretched up to the sky in order to broadcast audible howls. So howling with the muzzle upwards allows for a longer echo that can extend up to 10 km around.

Wolf howl : a real symphony
Alpha wolves
The strict organization within the pack even orchestrates the howling of the wolves. The hierarchy applied in the clan implies that the Alpha male wolf starts howling with a low tone, which is later reinforced by the voice of his wolf.
Beta wolves
Later, the beta wolf intervenes with a higher tone. This animal is placed in the second row, behind the alpha couple. He plays the role of "bodyguard" who protects his precious masters.

Omega wolves
The omega wolves are responsible for the higher howls, which are also useful for restoring calm in the clan. These wolves play an important role in the survival of the pack, even if they are in late positions.
These wolves have the task of easing tensions within the clan and calming hostilities to restore the serenity of the pack. They play the role of a whipping boy, putting themselves in the middle of a quarrel in order to stop it and appease the furious wolves.
The omega wolf is a boon to the clan because he is the key element in maintaining the balance within the pack.
Mid-level wolves
The mid-level wolves participate in the symphony with heterogeneous vocalizations to give the impression that it is a large pack.
The wolf's cry to the moon is a splendid landscape that illustrates the calm, serenity and charm of indiscreet communication in the darkness. This portrait is finely illustrated in several wolf items, such as the wolf howling full moon sweater. Visit our online store to enjoy it at an adorable price.